I just don't get it, why a game with such a solid core can grow into such a bad shape

I'm getting really fucking sick and tired of games utilizing multiple levels of difficulty and repetitiveness as "content". I understand the structure of the Division is to be a game players drop hundreds of hours into but this game came with an appetizer sized helping of actual content at launch and merely offered soul, salad, and breadsticks to the player base since.

If Massive really wants to take this game seriously they'd overhaul everything, but Hell, at this point they might as well start over from scratch. They have so many game modes that are stale, a crafting system that's goes overboard with stats, and a weapon balancing system that's in a constant state of being broken. The game needs a simplified crafting system so it simplifies weapon balancing and therefore adds a new dynamic of having class based builds. Game modes need simplified to provide a unified and more meaningful experience. Each game mode should specialize I providing something to the core game. The DZ should specialize, in say armor. The underground should specialize in mods and skill based stat boosts. And incursions should specialize in weapons. This way there purpose and meaning while also unifying the experience bringing the game modes together.

They haven't expanded the lore at all so players have no connection to the world or characters meaning they only play the game for the mindless violence. But with the game resulting so heavily on absurd difficulty as "content" very few players are willing to invest time for the sake of overcoming a challenge. This game needs to expand its lore, allow players to explore factions, tertiary characters and events. I know Massive has worked on providing daily and weekly content but it all seems meaningless to me. I simply don't care about he events they added and therefore, to me, there's no reason to comeback on a daily basis to play. To fix this Massive should have small little story arcs they create. They can be incredibly simple, go to the hospital and get a mission to find an secure medical supplies. Then add several objectives to find a supply crate that's been stolen by s faction, track down the faction leader who took it, take him out and gain intel on the new location, raid the warehouse that store the supplies. Boom, you now have a narrative based mission. Something other than "kill 5 elites."

The world Massive created in New York is insane and you'll find no complaints from anyone about how awesome it is. But it's grossly under utilized. Like, baking a delicious cake and only serving a corner of it. Why go through all the effort to make something so big and beautiful if the only thing it's good for is staring at it? I have scores of suggestions, many of which, I think, are obvious. First, why not allow community focused locations like clans and clubs. Your community organization gets its own BoO and competitions are held to see which faction can out perform another. Be it in DZ XP, number of elites killed, whatever. Also, we need a have explorable buildings. There's so much amazing architecture that we can only appreciate from a distance. Allow players the chance to go through the building in a dungeon-esque style solving puzzle and obtaining lore.

Finally, Massive needs to put some effort into this game. So far everything seems to be half baked. I've lost a lot of motivation to play because every couple of months when I return I feel like it's the same game at launch. The underground was cool for a while but again, it's all so repetitive and Massive keeps making the same mistakes.

/r/thedivision Thread