I just don't understand.

Scientifically speaking, survival is one of human's most basic instincts. Our reproductive systems are one of the many systems we have that aid in survival. If you don't reproduce, you don't survive.

As a fairly new parent, I agree with you in some respects. Sometimes, kids can be awful. But sometimes, kids are one of the best things. I think about my life before kids and how much I have sacrificed to be a parent. Even when my kids are awful, I wouldn't go back. When one of my kids learns to do something awesome, or says something that genuinely makes me laugh, or 'takes care of me' when I'm sick, there's nothing better than kids. In my opinion though, in order to see the moments that are worth it, you need to accept your responsibility as a parent. From what I've seen, shitty parents are the ones who can't sacrifice their former lifestyles and end up resenting their kids.

Other's people's kids though, I don't like that much. But I would never go on a rant about it like OP here. She sounds like one of those child-eating monsters from that move 'Witches' ;)

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread