Just finished watch the movie "Her" for the fourth time. What is your thoughts on the movie?

I liked the movie. It seems like it gets some hate though, at least from what I've seen. I thought is was a pretty good movie though.

People complain about no original concepts, ideas, etc. (and maybe this wasn't original, idk), but I thought this movie was some pretty cool sci-fi.

If you're looking for my interpretation on it:

Thar Be Spoilers Ahead Mateys

I have a feeling the movie says many things I probably didn't grasp (I haven't seen it for awhile either).

I think one thing is how this man wasn't really alone. He didn't need this OS to connect to, he had others he got along with, like Amy Adams. But he got so lost in what really amounted to a fake connection that he lost sight of what he already had.

That's another thing. At the end of the day, a computer will always be a computer. Even if it's very advanced.

And to top that off, I think that it speaks to the meaning of life. He didn't really know why he was living, what he was really doing; he was just going through the motions. The computer, at first, is kind of like him. But because the OS has superior processing capabilities, it eventually needs more than just surviving, just getting by, just doing its job. It starts to have desires itself. It starts to talk with others. And eventually it really just wants to know the meaning of life, the meaning of it all. Really, all the OS did is what a human would likely do in the same situation. You are virtually immortal, with very little concerns, and eventually nothing will satisfy you but that one answer that bugs many, if not all humans, somewhere in their mind: What is the meaning to life?

I think it also speaks to humans humanizing non-human things and shows just how real those relationships can be. People's attachment to their pets, for instance, is just as real as his attachment to the OS. Or perhaps even a priceless family heirloom, a pressed flower from an old lover, etc. Yet at the same time, it hammers home the point that non-human things aren't human either, but are connections to such things are quite real, quite heartfelt.

I thought the movie was really good.

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