Just finished watching the dressrosa story arc after having read the manga

In a series like this, the anime is going to come close to catching up with the manga from time to time, it's just something you have to deal with. A lot of people don't remember, but they came close in CP9, which I remember a lot of people here comparing Dressrosa to as an example of how things could be done better. Luffy was actually fighting Aokiji in the anime when the Sea Train part started in the manga.

Would you have been happier if they did like that arc and say, spent 4-5 episodes recapping everyone's backstory right before the big fights started? And you had to skip ~5-6 minutes to get to the episode plenty of times in that arc too. Hell, I just rewatched it and there were episodes where you had to skip almost 10 minutes...and that was when there were still ending themes too! And at least Dressrosa was pretty consistent, you never had scenarios like Enies Lobby where they'd recap a bit, show like a minute of new content, then go into the opening and recap a little more after.

Dressrosa was just an arc that dragged on for too long, some people may not feel that way but plenty of manga readers were complaining about it too. Most arcs actually had loads of episodes where you had to skip to the 5-6 minute mark, or were at least cutting that much out if you counted the ending theme as well. Dressrosa just gets a lot more shit for it for some reason.

/r/OnePiece Thread