"just flank lol"

I am confused about two things: 1. why did you flank with your T-34? flanking is the the style of Russian vehicles because a lot of their tanks has guns with long reloads; which will make them NOT flank. and 2. why are the Wehraboos saying that American tanks need to be nerfed when all of them except the M18 got one shotted? I can see their complains about Russian bias (which does not exist) because of the Russian tanks being good, but come on! of a nation is full of tanks that get one shotted that means they should be BUFFED, NOT NERFED. just look at his second kill, that Sherman's front armour plate was angled in an angle which makes it very hard to pen and it gets one shotted... am I the only one who wants to play a fair game? when the Tiger is angled it blocks my KV-2 shot (the one that you can research) from the SIDE. this one could not block a shell when his front was angled, and the front armour is thicker then the side armour. so, if any nation needs to be nerfed is Germany. just because you get killed from a Sherman while you are in your Tiger does NOT mean it's American bias. WE NEED TO FIGHT FOR AMERICAN TANKS! how did the U.S. win WW2 if their tanks ingame are so bad? that's right, because they are UP, not OP in the game. in real life they would have been better. before you complain about American tanks Wehraboos, go read about the Shermans on Wikipedia. and then about Tigers, and see what's accurate to real life and what's not according to War Thunder.

/r/Warthunder Thread Link - gfycat.com