I just found out my [26F] boyfriend [29M] dated a 16 year old when he was 24.

The fact is: He is not creppy or perv, he is just imature for his age.

I am myself, imature for my age and I did the same thing as OP boyfriend. She was 16 and I was 24, we dated about an year. But guess what? She was one of my most amazing relationships! Guys, you dont choose Love ok? And woman mature so fast! So it was like we both were "19" inside our heads.

Now i'm 28, and my actual girlfriend is 23. Maybe we both are "25" inside our heads now.

So, the thing that I have to tell you is that your boyfriend must be a little imature for his age, maybe he has the head of a 24-26 year old.

Now it's up to decide if you think he is a little or a lot imature and if this is a break up thing for you. But please, god, dont treat him like a creppy! He must be just a normal, but imature guy!

/r/relationships Thread