This is just Gold

It's utter hilarity. Their entire sub is dedicated to "dating", yet most of them will be the first to tell you how supposedly happy they are to remain single for the rest of their lives. If you're a happy single, you're not on dating subs. It's the biggest cope I've ever seen.

Also, the constant pontificating of "Why do misogynistic men even bother trying to date us, if they hate the majority of women?" Yet, the entire sub is nothing but rampant misandry, and weekly posts about how 99.9% of all men are utterly worthless. They may be the least self aware sub-reddit I've ever seen, and that's no small feat.

To any femcels lurking. If you hate men so much, please, stop trying to date us. I know it's apparently hard for you to live without the thought of free access to our dicks and wallets. But you have to decide whether you need us so badly that you require a "dating strategy", or hate us so much that you'd rather spend eternity alone. You can't have both.

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