So we just gonna ignore that

'I'M SORRY, PEELY' Jonesy screams to the voice in the speaker. 'Please, don't do this to me'.

Hours and hours pass. The music repeats as Jonesy slowly loses his mind. He tried everything to free himself, but nothing seems to work. Then, the only door in the room opens. The sound of steps echoes off the walls, while slowly someone approachs Jonesy in his back. Scared, he begs for his life, but it's not Peely.

'We don't have much time' says a woman he hasn't seen in a while: Ramirez.

'He will kill you. He has no mercy'

'Don't worry' said Ramirez while untying Jonesy. 'I'm prepared.'

After a few minutes, Jonesy was free, and Ramirez was heading to the door.

'Wait, I need to do something' said Jones, breaking the TV, finishing the song.

Ramirez smiled and the two exited the room.

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