Just got banned from /r/askreddit inadvertently, I'd appreciate any advice I can get.

•Posting a link to someone that included a photo and info

This person is in the public spotlight, they have a wiki page written about them. People post links like this all the time on TIL and countless other subs. It sounds like you're telling me if I were to post a link to Jimi Hendrix' wiki page, I'd be in the wrong. That is actually exactly what you're telling me. Either this site just got really strange, or you're not 100% right.

• You used her real name plus the link

Again, if I were to post to TIL and say oh idk..somethin like "TIL Jimi Hendrix' headstone is the third headstone from the sundial in the Renton WA cemetery he's buried in, oddly matching his song- third stone from the sun" and then link his wiki page, you're telling me I'm doing something wrong there yeah?

•Posting your own pic

People post their own pics in /r/redditgetsdrawn all the time. People post their own pics in /r/gonewild all the time. How about /r/roastme , countless posts of people giving their own pics.

These are wrong cause you didn't have to do these and they were against the rules. Don't do these again on any subreddit.

Those last two sentences. "Wrong because you didn't have to do these" .. technically we don't ever have to post anything, right?

Don't do any of those things on any subreddit? That's going to be almost impossible, I'll feel so discriminated against because everyone else seems to be able to do literally everything you just listed off on countless subreddits, daily.

I don't mean to offend you here, but I'm just curious. Are you a mod/admin or.. just another redditor chiming in? I think it'll help me to better understand how much weight I should consider your words to carry.

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