Just got fired from my job because I use marijuana medically.

This is why I appreciate my current job so much. I don't live where it is legal but there is a legal state nearby so it is very easy to get here. I could be making better money in an easier job but I'd have random drug tests and so forth to worry about.

Instead my boss has this unspoken rule where as long as it isn't a problem or obvious (don't come to work smelling like weed) then it is don't ask don't tell. Pet company policy it's not allowed but he owns the store and all that so he does things his way.

Because of this I enjoy my job despite the hard work and long days. Knowing I can take a break to smoke or hit the vape without fear of being tested or anything like that is nice. Just finished my day and enroute back my partner and I smoked a CBD joint cause we are both very sore from a long work week and busy past few months.

All my other jobs I've had to wait until I'm home to be sure no one would know and my job wouldn't be at risk.

Wish more employers were as understanding as my current one.

/r/trees Thread