[Just got fired] Was sent 11 boxes to return my stuff, but I only need 3. What can I do with the other 8 to piss off my old employer?

so... you want to leave your mark when leaving the office...

have you tried shitting on the fax machine? That is always a zinger... Oh---what? The boxes? Well, you could shit in the boxes... I don't know why though.. I'm trying to give you classic Cexit (That's Corporate Exit) advice here and you are coming at me with boxes... WTH man? WTH?

Anyways, if shitting on the copier isn't your thing... there is always the old Mushroom Stamp on the Birthday Cake for Ted from Accounting. That is always a Cexit classic..

You're a female? Oh, that is just a queef-cake for old Teddy-boy then.

Alternatly, since you seem hell-bent on these boxes... You could just put them in a big pile around your office chair and set the sun-am-a-bitch on fire. That one gets people so hot and bothered, the firemen come... Yeah, who's having a good time now? You are... With those hot fireman saving you.

Yes... Indeed it seems there are numerous ways to go. I would just probably fill the boxes with snakes then leave them on your bosses whoops, ex-bosses desk..

/r/shittyadvice Thread