I just got into my first cad accident and my mother’s reaction was worse than the accident.

Try driving in Egypt or India then talk about driving rules. Accidents happen all the time. They happen to experienced careful drivers and to new drivers. It could happen because of the driver’s fault or other people’s fault. I admit I was distracted by the phone and my friends. I do take responsibility. I care about myself as much if not more than other people in this situation. The road was also slippery and the car In front of me used the breaks suddenly. It was just an unfortunate event. As for my mom’s reaction I just wanted her to care about my well-being instead of raging and making me feel like shit. If you don’t have an advice to say then just stay quiet. You don’t have the right to call me a careless driver or to say that this was avoidable. You are not law enforcement. This is r/advice. So I am seeking advice instead of someone like you who just wants to discipline me.

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