Just got PC DBD and holy shit, is postgame chat a terrible thing.

Relatively recent yeah. A week or so ago? I forget.

I just played two games. First one against a huntress who 3k'd and then gave the last person hatch. Post game chat was just a bunch of "gg's"

Second was against a trapper. Gates opened with one person on hook. He was face camping him but I had borrowed time so we all managed to get out anyways. After game it was all "GG's" again and that was it.

About the most toxic thing I've seen was a legion who dropped me at hatch, then ran up and grabbed me and hooked me just as I was about to exit. After game he was like, "Why would you trust a killer?"

But that was like, 1 game in over 100? You'll eventually hit some tiny dicked shitheel but that's any game.

I will say that I see a ~ton~ more toxicity in the 15~20 range where you have all the bads who are obvious master level players but they're just held back by their teammates. And watching streams you see a ton of it in rank 1~3 games with all the tryhards.

But at rank 10? There's just a ton of chill dudes playin a game. The only toxic garbage is what you bring with you.

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