Just graduated from college and am fucking pissed off…

The pedigree of your education is only one of many factors affecting your job prospects, and that degree becomes less and less important as you begin to accumulate practical work experience. I've interviewed hundreds of candidates in my 10 years in supply chain, and I've never offered anyone a job because of where they went to school. I'm only interested in 3 things: the candidate's ability to communicate, team chemistry, and current abilities/growth potential. That's it.

First thing you need to acknowledge as a new grad is that you don't know shit. Your first professional job is the first stepping stone of many towards building something greater for yourself. Play the hand you were dealt as best you can, nothing good will come on dwelling on how you think the world has slighted you.

Speaking to you frankly as a hiring manager and a human being: your lack of mental resilience and introspection, your misdirected anger, your inability to adapt, your unjustified hostility and resentment towards your fellow man, and your unchecked entitlement are not doing you any favors. Grow the fuck up.

/r/supplychain Thread