Just want help understanding where to go from here in my relationship.

I replied with some more details on the other thread, and should have clarified it here too, for you guys. I'm sorry!

He made it WHILE we were together. Recently. To this, he admitted.

We have occasional threesomes with ladies. His excuse for joining in the first place was that he was "looking for women for us". But the rules for our threesomes were made extremely clear, and he knows he has no real excuse.

I'm so confused, guys, I can't even be angry.

He always pointed girls, and dating sites out to me in the past. I'm half wondering what kind of environment I've created to make him act so shady towards me now.

It isn't the seeking of other ladies, it's the secrecy of it, that upsets me. I used to be included, and now I'm the third wheel in my own relationship.

To me, hiding something, or "just not mentioning it", is the same as a lie.

He has shattered my trust, and I may be partially responsible.

We have been fighting more and more. It is not entirely on him that we have been, either.

I know he fucked up, and there is no excuse for what he did. But I can't stop wondering if I could have helped it happen in some way. Why else would he suddenly start hiding things from me he didn't before?

/r/Advice Thread