Just how common are unsolicited dick pics?

OMG I just remembered... i did sign up to a dating site years ago and I got a tonne of dick pics from American men. They don't even say hello, just a peen photo via pm. I am not in America. So... is that a cultural norm over there? I found it very strange. What am I supposed to do with that? Nice dick, oh it's 15 flying hours away, nevermind. Also, do guys in the US have bigger penises than over here, or do guys with bigger penises just generally like to send out more dick pics? Someone has problem done a study on it. Anyway, I take it back. I have had unsolicited dick pics. It's weird, but there is something kind of impersonal about it that makes it less threatening. I still prefer them to some of the creepy text-based messages I've had.

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