just laugh it off

Something similar dead ass could have gotten me killed once if I wasn't incredibly lucky. I was standing on one of those cheap plastic outdoor chairs to hang decorations outside when my foot when through the chair. I fell and slammed my back into the exterior wall on one of those outdoor outlets that stick out and hurt like hell. It was best case scenario. I landed right between the glass door and a stereo system. If I'd hit the door I would have busted it, it was pane glass, no telling what I would have cut landing straight down on the frame. Stereo would have just hurt at least. If I had been facing the other direction, I'd have tumbled down a full story of porch stairs onto the cement walkway. The biggest threat there was if I was angled just a bit to the right, I could have bled out going through that door.

/r/instant_regret Thread Link - i.imgur.com