Just learned my cousin is a woman. Family not taking it too well. Can you help me learn more about her experience?

Ah ah a big paragraph here was simply about how it can suck to be a women!

But I am not a woman, I am a man. Cannot you see how much it sucks to be a man who is treated badly as a woman?

See, you've entirely missed the point of what I was trying to say. I'm trying to show how destructive it can be to grow up in the wrong gender roles, and how much harder it can be to deal with the social expectations and genderized bullshit that is placed on everyone in our society when trying to deal with it as a trans person. The impact of those things is greatly exacerbated for trans people because not only are you dealing with genderized BS, but we are dealing with misgenderized genderized BS.

The same is true for trans women who have to deal with the BS that's placed on men. I have a very close friend who is a trans woman. She is fully transitioned, yet she still struggles under the weight of being raised throughout her life to 'be a man', to ignore her pain and stuff her emotions down. She still struggles with the pressure to take charge of situations even though she's incredibly shy and introverted.

My point is - there are so many layers of confusing and difficult roles and expectations and pains and frustrations for us to sort out that it's often difficult to separate what's gender dysphoria from sexism and other biases we struggle under. This is even worse when there's any form of trauma to overcome. I was sexually assaulted when I was younger and as I was growing up I thought that I 'hated being female' because of the assault. No matter how much therapy I did and no matter how much I had healed I still hated being female and couldn't figure out why it wasn't going away. It took me ages to realize that the issue wasn't the assault, it was gender dysphoria.

So a big part of the experience a lot of transgender people are dealing with is trying to pick through the pieces of their psyches and understand where their feelings come from and address them accordingly.

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