Just looking for advice

Hi. I rarely comment but I just want you to know you can do it and you are doing great! If it helps you feel any better, I had a similar experience.( With slow milk after section) I had an emergency section after 30 hours of labor. I hemmorrhaged twice. So long story short, my body making milk was the LAST thing happening. My milk did not come in til Day 8. We started with the dropper and bits of formula along with any colostrum I could get. We soon realized my colostrum was almost clear, like salvia ( sorry if TMI) so it hardly looked like anything . Our daughter had bottles and formula for the first two weeks ish til I came around more. She is still nursing at 9.5 months and only had breast milk since. But the pump Saved me. I used that thing and still do. I pumped anytime she was too sleepy, or I felt like she wasn't stimulating me enough. So I did give myself an oversupply the first 4 ish months but hey, I quickly said it was a good problem to have. I told myself one feeding at a time once my milk came in. Hey she just nursed both sides and is sleeping? Woohoo goal met. I'll worry about the next feeding when it's time, oh hey I pumped 1 1/2 ozs? Okay dad, give her that I'm taking a nap:) I feel like a muddled through the first two weeks with BFeeding, but as long as I attempted nursing or I pumped q2 hours, I figured we'd keep on trucking. Also I have a baby who luckily goes from boob to bottle bottle to boob no problems. That helped. Don't be so rough on yourself! You have made a perfect little one and had MAJOR surgery! Your milk will come in and boy oh boy you will know it :) sounds like your daughter has everything she needs, a loving, caring Mama! Lots of adjustments and you are 4 days PP. Shoot I couldn't even put my own pants on 4 days PP after my section ;) ( I am a nurse and felt like complete shit even more so being a patient and trying to be "fine" ) I cried for three hours on day three because I had no milk, my daughter was screaming in my hubby's and mothers arms, I said someone get me formula! I can't do it ! We fed her like a little birdy with the dropper, she was content and I'd stick her back on my boob a bit later to stimulate and bring that milk in! :)babies do nurse way more efficiently than pump, but pump saves you by stimulating if baby isn't cooperating at the moment ...I also pumped for s few minutes after nursing before my milk came in. Just take it one feeding at a time. One day, one hour..sorry for the rambling just wanted to send you some words of encouragement! Congrats. Little girls are absolute heaven!!

/r/beyondthebump Thread