We just LOOOVE fascism

This post, and you for that matter, are doing the world a great harm mis-using the word "fascist". Alt-right idiots are just that, fucking alt-right idiots. If actually presented with the tenets of fascism as created by Mussolini in Italy, they'd be largely against it.

If anything, this re-defining fascism as a weird modern alt-right thing will just make it easier for a group in the future to actually gain support for actual fascism because it'll have been redefined to the point where they can just change the name of real fascism and since it has a fresh new name with the old tenets people don't recognize, people might actually go for it.

If you want to actually fight off fascism, stop using that word for every rando piece of shit racist authoritarian.

/r/LibertariansBelieveIn Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it