Is it just me? Or do real soul to soul connections...

I feel bad for reading these comments since I feel these kind of often. The trick is you have to make these connections yourself instead of waiting for others. I never think before I speak (lol I've gotten in so much trouble cause of it) but it helps me with being genuine to other people which tends to cause them to do the same to me.

My most recent 'connection' was when I went into my physics teacher's class for tutorials to ask questions pertaining to what we were learning. Nothing deep or intense was there, but as I was packing up my stuff to leave a question crossed my mind. I've been really interested in physics the past two years and thinking of majoring in it, but my parents keep asking me what can I do with a physics degree and how it would be really hard for me so it might be easier to do something else instead and "leave physics for the boys". To be honest, I have no clue what to do with my life after highschool. I just enjoy physics and would be willing to spend four years studying it. Being who I am, I ask with no hesitation "what do physicists do?" My teacher laughed and told me the question was a bit broad, and so I told him "No I mean....I mean if I had a physics degree what could I do?" and then I told him about how physics is the only class I've reallllllly enjoyed so I'd want to continue to study it, and the whole time I was just so genuine about how I felt since that's just who I am as a person. He smiled the kind of smile where your eyes crinkle and responded, but the whole time there was a sense of...nostalgia I guess, in his eyes. There was something more to his facial expression that I can't describe in words, but for that moment there was a mutual human to human connection about something we both enjoyed, and on top of that it felt nice to be told by someone I looked up to that my dreams weren't ridiculous.

/r/CasualConversation Thread