Is it just me, or reddit is a *bit* racist to Indians?

Yeah the amount of stereotypes about Indians is crazy lol and I'm often scarred after clicking on posts about India/Indians. We still have a long way to go to be seen as individuals rather than teeming/unwashed masses. I just pity racists for having to look down on other people to boost their confidence ;)

Don't ever feel personally bad about being part of a particular race or gender, it's not something you can control. And keep judging people who like to stereotype without knowing anything about the person. Remember that today, racism is a huge indicator of class.

“Kramer and his wife looked at each other. He could tell she was thinking the same thing he was.

Thank God in heaven! What a relief! They could let their breaths out now. Miss Efficiency was a bigot. These days the thing about bigotry was, it was undignified. It was a sign of Low Rent origins, of inferior social status, of poor taste. So they were the superiors of their English baby nurse, after all. What a fucking relief.”

Excerpt From: Tom Wolfe. “The Bonfire of the Vanities.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread