Is it just me or somebody is downvoting everything?

This will likely be buried, but it has been bothering me, so I'm just gonna say it.

I have noticed if I make a post or comment that is somehow disagreeable, that some users will take it out on every frickin' voteable post and comment I have. I was told they have to follow the permalink for it to even count (they can't do it from the profile page is what I hear), but somehow, plenty of people have enough rage to go to each of my measly posts and comments and downvote them too. I get so sad when people downvote the picture of my cat wearing a jacket just because they disagree with something trivial. Oppenheimer (my clothed cat) does not deserve to be punished for my comment; maybe he even agrees with your opinion!

ANYWAYS, back to the point. Is there any real way to stop bitter users from literally taking the time to follow all of your permalinks and downvote all of them for one thing that upset them? I feel like if a user mass downvotes all your posts that they possibly can, it should raise a flag and not count them or something. On the flip side (MUCH rarer, I've seen this maybe four times on my account): there are some users that will make a point to upvote my other posts. I'm always like "thank you, kind soul", but the negative-nellies seem to outnumber them substantially. :'c

Also, how many users actually do this? I have never felt the need to do this, even when a comment makes me so mad that I rant about it to my poor husband. I won't even take the time to go to your profile at all, because I have more reddit to absorb than the profile of someone who made a lame comment.

TL;DR because I ramble: Why are people willing to take the time to downvote all of your voteable posts via permalinks (so they count) for one comment/post? How would/does Reddit protect users from salty redditors who didn't like that one comment/post?

/r/pcmasterrace Thread