Just played against an AI in mid diamond, and its honestly a bit worrying.

I think it's the beginning of the end for competitive mulyiplayer games. Sure right now it pretty obvious that you were playing against a bot, but with a well enough constructed AI and enough training data (the replay system is going to be really good for this) it may not be possible in the future. Even the way it aims could be done to mimick real players, and by doing so by "looking" at the screen the same way a player would (with an external program like OBS for instance) rather than accessing overwatch memory illegally, it may be undetectable. And this sort of thing may soon be a problem in any online game. Of course you could try build an ML based anti-cheat detection system, and start an AI arms race with the botters, but eventually as these things get better the likleyhood of false posistives is going to increase and heavily restrict the type of enforcement these solutions can provide.

/r/Competitiveoverwatch Thread