Just a PSA for atheists regarding the Trinity

A clear admission that you’re not criticizing one person’s reasons for faith, but all peoples’ reasons for faith. Just like I said. Even reasons you’ve never heard of couldn’t be good enough. Because you actually think you’ve heard it all, apparently. I think that I have no clue what I’d be like if I was born in Iran. I’d probably be raised Muslim and convert to Christianity like many Muslims do. Just like how I was raised Christian (which you assumed without any good evidence, but I can see your confirmation bias rearing its head) and denounced the faith for the last 8 years all to convert back to Christianity. And I do believe because it has more evidence, not because I was raised that way. But I’m not going to provide you with my reasonings and justifications because, contrary to your expectations, it would take far more than a day to lay it all out in text. Oh I guess that’s CONVENIENT for me to not have to lay out all my justifications for you...yeah, it’s convenient. I’d rather not be inconvenienced and have to write an essay for you.

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