Just r/politics upvoting literal propaganda to the front page.

I didn't even vote for Trump and think he's a bit of an assclown, but you'd think Reddit as a whole, or people in general could see through the fog and their own bias for five seconds to realize what's at stake here and how dangerous this is. Sure when Obama won places like Fox News were calling him a muslim and saying he's not really an American etc, but these people are actively trying to... maybe over throw isn't the right word here, but I'll use it anyways because they would if they could and god knows they're trying, over throw a democractically elected president simply because they didn't win, and everyone is fine with that.

Unless it goes deeper than that and everyone is bought out and shills. I've started to see the front page of /r/all rebel against these new subs that have never even come close to the front page, hit it these days when I go in to the comments. Not saying it happens all the time, but certainly more so than say when SRS was making the front page back in November or the daily "New subs reaching front page of /r/all" in January.

/r/subredditcancer Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com