I just realised killing Nathanos Blightcaller will just result him serving Sylvanas in the Maw, we will meet him again >:(

Now I imagine that in the Darkshore cinematic, the orc that Malfurion buried alive is actualy Nathanos screaming while thorn apart in half by Malfurion. Then the druid smacks his top half on the ground and says "Tell her... We are coming!" to warn him that him and Tyrande are coming for Sylvanas in the Maw. The moment he is done saying it, Tyrande cuts Nathanoses face in half. The next scene is Nathanos in the Maw, behind him are Sylvanas and the Jailer. A massive night elven army comes out of stealth and Malfurion flies in in flight form transforming in elf form after landing next to Tyrande. And then Nathanos says "We will hold this ground for the Maw!".

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