I just really want to talk to literally anyone.

I do have photos but truthfully I've got no idea how to link them while I'm on my phone. But, my oldest dog is a Miniature Pinscher who I adopted eight-ish years ago from a friend. Her name is Tana, a name we never changed, and I like to call her wiener dog because she reminds me hotdog. Though she is spayed now she did have two litters of puppies. One of those puppies is my other dog, Bandit, who I inherited from my brother who could no longer take care of him after six years. My cat Barbara I got two years ago, she was a stray in a trailer park. My sister has her(the cats) sister.

You dog sounds adorable! By what you said it could always be a benign tumor which can be surgically removed or left alone until it gets big enough to burden the animal. There is always hope for nothing to be wrong with the animals you adore. Pets become family and you always want what's best for family, right?

I can relate on the friend front because a few years ago I had one friend, but thanks to moving to a small company I met and became friends with a group of amazing people. It's hard feeling like no one has time for you or doesn't want to make the effort to see you. That's not always the case. Schedules can often clash. I'm from New York so I know all about missing the green. Right now it's 68° outside in June. The other green though, that stuff helps me through rough days sometimes aha.

Make plans for something to look forwards too! Plan to go to a concert! That's what I do, because being in a place with thriving music, energetic musicians, and a bunch of other people's excitement for the same band is just...relaxing to me. No one's eyes are on me, all of them are on the band.

Those guys sound like dicks. Who makes a teacher cry? Your probably the saving grace in that class than since you don't join in. It's hard not to join in sometimes, because people want to fit in, but it's not always the right thing.

I've been in a slump too lately. Work gets me out of bed most days while on my days off if I don't have anything I end up staying in my bed, curled up with my animals. So I always try to make plans before it happens because when I get like that I convince myself I'm not worth the time of day, that even though I work 40+ hours I barely managed to scrap by. And basically knit-pick myself apart until it disgusts me to even look in the mirror. But I'm working on it, slowly since I can't afford a therapist. But I tell myself, constantly, be positive. Because at least than I'll see some good in life instead of just bad.

So what grade are you in? And don't worry. I ramble a lot too aha. It helps. Just getting it out, even to a faceless stranger on the internet. I'm glad this helps though, even a little bit :)

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