Just received this email from the FPC

Honestly im done contacting them. at this point it either gets shot down or it's the beginning of the end for what we know as america. There are so many americans out there that will refuse to submit, that it will cause a massive amount of violent incidents between law enforcement and citizens. My guess is people will get proactive rather than reactive and it will start what we have felt coming for a long time now. Followed by a massive move from the feds to enforce, causing a divide among the local law enforcements and among those given orders from the federal level to take up arms against civilians. I feel like alot of people have a skewed view of how it will go down at this point. It wouldn't be some red dawn fantasy, it would be ugly with massive collateral damage. The media will paint one side as terrorists and the other as heros. It will be small conflicts done in dark with combatants in civilian clothing. Comms on paper not tech, family members turning in family members for rewards or because they believe what the TV is telling them. Nothing about what's coming will be pretty and I think alot of people who think they want it to go down would be shocked by a decade of darkness and violence.

/r/gunpolitics Thread Link - i.redd.it