This just in: Reddit experts have concluded that childfree people actually care MORE about the well-being of children than everyone else. Incredible

This is why I follow the childfree subreddit even though I’m not expecting to be child-free. Some people on that subreddit are rude. I got downvoted for not exactly being CF myself… but was agreeing with the OP haha. Anyways most of their posts are insightful and are really mind opening about all the wrong reasons people have children or they share their own experiences in the perspective of being a child with incapable parents. I used to think I could be a young mom until reading their posts and that I wanted a kid for selfish reasons. So I’m not having children until I feel like I’m emotionally ready to raise a child in a healthy environment and when I’m financially ready to cover any unexpected expenses that occurs in their life. Parents should look at r/CF posts and learn from it instead of seeing them as evil people that hate all children. Even if anyone doesn’t like children, they have good reasoning. Some people don’t know how to socially interact with young children and that’s okay.

/r/AmITheAngel Thread Link -