Just regular day in Poland

While I am an American first, my mother is mostly Russian and Polish - I think it's important to take pride in your heritage.

I'm extremely grateful for the fact that everyone here respects the fact that other cultures have a right to maintain those cultures. My father's side of the country has, for the most part, been in this country since its founding - literally, I have an ancestor who arrived on the Mayflower, and several who fought in the Revolutionary War. My mother's family are mostly immigrants, with the exception of one line who also dates back to the Revolutionary War (I'm a huge genealogy buff, if you ever want help with your own family history let me know and I'm more than willing to help with what I can!).

They did it legally, and they built lives for themselves. The majority of us are descended from people who came to this country to start a new life in the best country on earth. I will always pay tribute to my heritage, but I am so, so proud to be an American.

Please excuse my mushiness, I'm sick and drinking Bloody Marys at midnight to combat that so I'm a little foggy.

/r/The_Donald Thread Link - i.sli.mg