Just a reminder: fat stores where there is muscle

Organs are made of organ tissue, not muscle. You can’t contract your liver and it’s not attached to a bone with a ligament.

This is not true at all. The stomach, gall bladder, intestine, and heart are all made of muscles. The thing that you say is "attached to a bone with a ligament" is skeletal muscle, which is only one of the three kinds of muscles that are present. Smooth muscles actually do form a good chunk of the supporting structure of the hollow digestive organs. I think this is what they meant by saying 'visceral muscle is used in organs". You can't contract your liver but you can contract the entire digestive tract--it's just not under voluntary control. However, it is muscle and it does contract, that's how food passes down the digestive system, and escapes our body. So OP is not wrong in saying that "Your entire digestive track and most of your organs are muscle." Also the liver and pancreas produce digestive enzymes but aren't organs that food pass through, so really this is a matter of semantics.

To actually point out an error in your post, the fat doesn't secrete hormones. Nothing can secrete hormones except endocrine glands, under signal from the brain (mostly the pituitary). Visceral fat is not an endocrine gland.

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