Just a reminder if you break from the team in Trios to solo hot drop, you’re probably trash.

I main Wraith & Bloodhound. And because of idiots like who you described, players like me get a bad rap for our mains. I remember one game where I was Wraith, dude literally gets on his mic when we dropped down and said "I was expecting you to solo hot drop Wraith, thanks for sticking with us". The game went on and we got to the end. Precarious situation with the ring closing and the last 4 teams fighting on the edge. At the last second seeing the ring ready to overtake everyone, I did a portal and took off toward the safety of the final ring. All three enemy teams got chewed by the ring and we won. I half-way expected to be murdered on the mic for taking off like I did and leaving both my teammates, but same dude said "That was clutch AF play!" realizing I did it because someone needed to get into safety to win. We are now occasional squad mates. So, not all Wraiths are trash. Just the sweaty ones that think their K/D gets them laid. But at the end of the day, solo dropping players suck. They are the epitome of toxic. And the sad thing is, they will die because of their own actions, curse you out and then go to it to the next team. Terrible teammates.

/r/apexlegends Thread