Just a reminder that liberals love imperialism too.

The USSR went from a war-torn medieval level society to an industrial powerhouse that repelled the largest invasion in human history.

Post war they, for all intents and purposes, ended homelessness, unemployment, and food insecurity. I'm pretty sure your wholesome capitalist overlords never told you that stuff. Oh and also they invented space travel.

Early USSR was the first country to grant full rights to women and homosexuals and legalized abortion (regrettably they rolled back some as a misguided attempt to increase the population). They then took in all Jewish (and other) refugees who were fleeing the nazis and saved hundreds of millions from extermination via Lebensraum.

They also stopped all the ethnic violence that plagued Tsarist Russia. There's a reason it only exploded again once the USSR was illegally dissolved, which was the largest humanitarian crisis in history as the social safety was pulled out from hundreds of millions of people in the name of capitalism.

"Authoritarian" is a useless buzzword you use as therapy to rationalize support for your own status quo. "At least we're not like *insert childish caricature of American enemy*"

Yeah I've dealt with arrogant know-nothing westerners like you my whole life. Let me guess, you think we can vote capitalism away?

/r/LateStageCapitalism Thread Parent Link - i.redd.it