Just reminding everyone that Trump signed an EO to remove national parks, but is fighting tooth and nail to keep statues of Robert E. Lee.

Like how every time I tried to recenter you back on the main point I made

your main point was about the memorial being for robert e lee... that's the initial comment in this comment chain. when people called you out on that, you tried making it about the initial point of this whole thread to deflect from the fact that you're a liar

It's pretty shameful how quick you were to start in with the digs on my intellect

because you were insisting that because the memorial was for a battle that robert e lee was apart of, that the memorial was basically for him... that is straight up idiotic, and if you believe that, you are an idiot. period. sorry about that. that's just how life goes.

Coming at an argument seeking clarification will take you much farther than the little temper tantrums you seem to enjoy. If you had presented a question, we could have come to an understanding, just like most other people on here.

I didn't come here to have you "clarify" your lies. I came here to make sure you know that we can see through your bullshit. Your downvotes probably made that clear though.

You see, when people like you lie about the bad things Trump has done (and there are a lot of actual things he's done), it just makes his supporters latch onto bullshit lies like the one you brought to the table. They just point their fingers at people like you and say "see! the left just lies about Trump!"... you're not helping anything by being dishonest. If anything, you're hurting. You're not convincing anyone that doesn't already hate Trump. You're just giving his followers more fuel towards the "liberals are liars!" fire.

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