Just saw a commercial on History...

Which is yet undefined in nature and location. Not to mention they are looking for confirmation of this sort of thing from stories that are given with hermetic symbolism. They came out empty looking for Enoch's vault. Let's see what they can do probing the eye of Horus. It's just a matter of time before they tell you that someone was trying to make gold out of lead on OI ca. 1650, because that's about the only way they can get to a golden treasure from where they are at in their evolving expose of hermetic symbolism. As above so below! On another not the Kabbalah does really like the symbolism of the year date 2020 in terms of a year of the judgment. In purely hermetic terms it's exactly one 369 cycle (Nikola Tesla's legendary most important cyclical number) after the total solar eclipse of 1651 that had alchemists all abuzz. You may be right. They may be about to stumble upon a treasure of dubious meaning.

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