Just take a second to admire a baby cow

I said the minimization was admirable. I don't disagree with you there, but most vegans I have met do not realize that their diet by the nature of farming also kills lots and lots of animals. The statements I have encountered many times has been one of absolution because their life causes no harm to any other life when that is impossibly wrong.

I didn't say that veganism was against pesticides just again that many people think that eating organic produce somehow minimizes the culling that happens during farming. All pesticides organic or otherwise kills a wide range of animals and if you eat food you are directly responsible for the death of other things.

The anthropomorphism is everywhere in veganism, not in your particular comment but assuredly in this thread. This part of comment was more of an add on and just commentary as to why it's difficult for many non vegans to take vegans seriously. As someone that has worked on and with farms their whole life there seems to be a disconnect with veganism and much of reality. The whole premise of this thread is look how cute this animal is how can we kill it? The agency of life is dependent on looks now? That's how you all justify your belief system that if something is less attractive it is less worthy of life? That right there is called anthropomorphism and is the assigning of human traits and feelings to animals.

/r/vegan Thread Parent Link - i.reddituploads.com