I just spent 3 hours to completely redo a CS project because I lost half a point AMA

My dumb reason: Because I have a streak that I never gotten less than a 100 on any of my CS projects so far. I wasn’t ready to lose half a point AFTER solving it perfectly and then accidentally running it again. (The assignment works in a way that you lose half a point for every time you enter an incorrect input). Logically, I was trying to force myself to give it up, but I couldn’t sleep because it bothered me. Plus there was a score board of highest scorers in the class, and I’m vain in that sense.

My not so stupid reason: Even though I got a technical 100 on the first assignment, I didn’t really understand why. A lot of my inputs were lucky guesses, and since we’ll be tested on this material, I wanted to 100% know how I got those solutions. The three hours were more or less me figuring out the things on my second run that I skimped over on the first. To put it into perspective how little 3 hours actually is, my first run took about 3 days to figure out.

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