Just started buying Bitcoin. Plan to for at least the next 6 months. Should I cold storage it, or send it somewhere to gain interest?

Multiple factors to consider:

Are you buying only Bitcoin, Ethereum? Anyone from Trezor One, Ledger So or Safepal, Ellipal Titan.

Are you willing to explore the market and/or buy different coins? Ledger X, Trezor Y, Safepal, Ellipal Titan.

Trezor One: Limited number of coin types supported. Cheaper.

Ledger S: Limited capacity of applications supported (each kind of coin = one application). Cheaper.

Ledger X, Trezor T, Ellipal: more expensive. Support more types of coins.

Safepal: Cheaper, supports most types coins.

Safepal, Ellipal: fully air gaped. Integrated camera for QR code (no room for error).

Always do your own research and buy from the manufacturer or authorized store. If you are buying only Bitcoin, any one is good. If you plan multiple, maybe pay for an expensive one off the bat so you don't end up buying a cheap one AND then the expensive one like I had to do.

/r/BitcoinCA Thread