I just started at a new salon, and the owner is actually insane...

I have been grooming for 5 years now... 2 of wich i spent with a devil herself.... She made her workers to bring food for her, clean the whole place (which was huge) we had no bather so all the work did groomers. We had to admire her and never hesitate to do any work with smile! She had installed cameras all.over the place , so that she she could watch and listen to all the workers... Above all i worked as 9 hours a day sometimes more and at first received 50% then 30% from all the work i did ( usually salary has to rise but not in my case). I bless the day i quit that dammed place and started me salon. All that shit taught me is to never treat your coworkers like slaves. So send that batch as far as possible and as soon as possible, if you love you job be confident and positive, things will work out. Good luck!

/r/doggrooming Thread