I have just stuck plastic bag stickers on a supermarket stock image…

Didn't say I did. But you seem to just want to point your finger at evil big bad boogie man ceo, like much of reddit does. I've seen tons and tons of complete hypocrites that love to cry and blame everyone else but themselves as they continue to stuff their faces with everything they can get their hands on, then scream foul and cry that life is so unfair. Some of those people just need to look in the mirror and legit ask themselves what role they play in it all. How they contribute. Because there are a shit ton of the masses that just can't help chasing all that shiny fancy shit, for status, to impress their neighbors or that girl, or to greedily stuff their belly past capacity and then complain that they're overweight.

Back to the point...the MASSES are just as disgusting as the ceo, and they're bloated to all fuck on all those goods and services that they cry about, and they wouldn't have a clue on how to survive without all that shit.

Maybe try touching some grass yourself and ponder the thought of how you support and contribute to the problems you complain about.

/r/funny Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it