Just a Tip of the Iceberg

This whole site is like shit you would find if the aliens from They Live were real and expanded into the internet. I'm not what you would call a Trump fan, far fucking from it, but I'm even less a fan of the blatant social engineering and propaganda that goes on here. Spam the front page with Trump scandals and anti-Russian news pieces, then throw this shit up there just for good measure. Oh here's a side of "TIL: white people are the devil" to go with it and a thread with a picture of a baby smiling at a McDonald's hamburger and filled with anecdotes about how amazing being a parent is and how McDonald's is just so gosh dern convenient to generate some of that guerrilla ad revenue.

Feeling particularly logical? Here's a thread or comment about family members dying to really get that emotional part of your brain firing so you can more easily swallow the rest of the pathos we're serving you. I mean fuck, as I was posting this I checked and lo and behold "My Honest Reaction When My Wife Told Me She was Pregnant" and something about a stunt double dying which would be innocuous until you dive in and it's a circle jerk about "look at the sadness of the family!...aren't you emotional???!?!" and everyone relating their emotional tales.

/r/evilbuildings Thread Parent Link - i.imgur.com