Just trying to make people smile

Recently I've been hanging out with some old friends I didn't talk with for a while because I thought they hated me. They're all super close, and they said that they'd let me be part of they're"tri-force" of friendship and called it a "four-force". This really helped with my self-esteem and made me happy since ive really been having a hard time with my self-worth and being part of a group of friends is just what I needed. One of them said to me a day ago that a four-force sounds dumb, so they're back to a tri-force but I'd still be friends with them. For some reason this really hurt my feelings and I thought that they maybe just don't like me that much... Sorry for bringing this here but I wanna know if it's ok for me to feel bad. I'm a 15yo male btw if that matters.

/r/wholesomememes Thread Link - i.redd.it