Just Unsubbed from r/blackpeopletwitter after removing my comments regarding skintone colored band-aids.

I'm just thinking of the Camelot scene in monty python with everybody singing and everybody else just avoids them.

I think the issue is important to the person posting the image, but it's undermined by the fact that it's now on Reddit and diehard mods who are (mostly?) white are acting on behalf of black redditors. Like, really? This skin color verification thing is tone deaf and inflammatory. Even if you say it's a "social experiment," you can't just keep doing the experiment months later, that would make it a permanent rule.

Places like reddit aren't useful for social change because so many mods are socially inept dimwits with no experience or knowledge in these areas, so it just ends up being another internet flame war.

/r/JustUnsubbed Thread Link - i.redd.it