Just unsubbed from r/wholesomememes because this is most definitely not wholesome

Man, people are just so petty and bitter, Christ. I actually did unsub from wholesomememes today because it was slightly tweaking my own petty bitterness but I really don't get the hostility some of the insects in this thread seem to have for it. Whoa dude, you're edgy! Some sub consists of lame G to PG-rated humor and trite, humanistic implications. You can show everyone how alpha and based and insightful you are by shitting on others' simplistic feel-good platitudes.

Weak. There's so much shit to complain about in this world. Why you would ever want to try to rip apart one of the few subs (other than like cat/dog picture related subs, humansbeingbros, and justiceserved afaik) that actually attempt to emphasize the better aspects of humanity is completely beyond me.

/r/JustUnsubbed Thread Link - i.redd.it