I just wanted to share something on my mind about [consent]

I think there's more gray area than people want to admit. It's not always a case of one person saying "No" and the other person forcing it on them. People are starting to talk more about the gray areas. If I know my partner doesn't want to have sex but I emotionally manipulate him into being physical with me, that's a problem. If both parties are drunk/on drugs but fully conscious, that can be a gray area. If someone comes on to you and you respond, and they freeze up but you keep going, that's a consent issue. There are plenty of people who've committed sexual assaults or consent violations who genuinely didn't know they were doing so in the moment. So although discussions of consent can sometimes go too far, I think overall it's a good thing that people are finally talking about it so much. Plus we give kids fucked up mixed messages. We teach girls that they should tease and play hard to get. We teach boys that sometimes no means they just need to try harder. We teach kids of both genders that "they tease/insult you because they like you". It's fucked.

/r/sex Thread