Just wanted to say thanks to Destiny and the community for providing an oasis of sanity

I stumbled onto Destiny’s debate streams on YouTube recently. Good god I’m so impressed. I don’t agree with all of his points and sometimes his argumentation style is more confrontational than it is constructive but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a person align with me so well on everything.

Prior to this I was listening to the likes of Shapiro and Molyneaux (I didn’t support them, but I wanted a more diverse political diet) because I was turned off by the Sjw stuff but then those guys on the right started coming off as really full of shit and man do they have massive ego issues. Plus since Trump won they just came off as really circle jerky.

I’m really glad I found destiny’s channel. His arguments are backed by data, his rhetoric is reasonable, and above all it doesn’t seem to me like he’s trying to flex or show his dick size. Destiny’s goal as he’s stated is that he likes to be “correct” and win a debate based on being the most “correct.” I think he does a really good job with that. And I know I wouldn’t be able to do what he does because he seems to be able to completely remove his own person from the debate such that condescending remarks, ad hominems, and just plain rude chortling don’t seem to phase him.

I just listened to the two NoBS “conversations” and holy shit it makes me hate the world that people like that are out there. People with such a deficit of introspection and logic need to be euthanized. I don’t know how destiny stayed in that conversation for an hour- twice.

Lastly its great that there’s a community around this that can share in the memes without being edgelord Alt righters.

Thanks for existing everyone. I knew there must have been someone that could fight the right on its own terms. With memes. And autism.

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