Just watched RE Vendetta...

I'm not saying Leon is effeminate (he definitely doesn't look like a woman), I'm saying he has more feminine traits compared to his RE6's model. But anyway, the main point is that he doesn't look the same and it bothers me.

Same thing for Chris. It's definitely not just this picture, he looks weird all the way through: 1-https://img.fireden.net/v/image/1497/96/1497966556709.gif 2-http://forums.saber-scorpion.com/uploads/gallery/gallery/album_16/gallery_3_16_517974.gif 3-https://www.google.com/search?biw=1366&bih=613&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=JZqxW4uaLYexgge-upa4Ag&q=vendetta+chris+gif&oq=vendetta+chris+gif&gs_l=img.3...25164.25741.0.25958.

Compared with : 1 - https://media.giphy.com/media/hji6ZMztu4unm/giphy.gif 2 - https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/859486487128869882/3A19B39E537B46627ABB10F84D4B331D4AD68ECF/ 3 - http://i.imgur.com/2P6rgjd.jpg

There's just something weird and different about his lips, nose and general facial expressions. Feel free to disagree (it's not like I can change your perceptions), but coming off a fresh playthrough of RE6, it definitely bothered me while watching the movie.

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