Just wondering. Why aren't there riots in Greece?

Thank you so much for this long post. It's amazing what you guys went through. We, the outsiders only see the last part of the story that is not completely true.

But... There is a huge BUT which I can see nobody from Greece thought about. I believe that everything that happened was planned.

That the referendum was an obvious NO towards austerity. It was a no brainer. It was obvious that people would vote that way. That only meant for the first deal to be dropped because of it in order for you guys to sell your infrastructure and accept the worst one.

Then, did you know that USA has a debt of 18.54 trillion dollars and nobody bats an eye? Greece debt to GDP ratio is 174 % and per capita is 47,636 $ which seems bad and is the whole reason you guys are in this situation. But there are other countries like Netherlands ( $226,503 per capita and 316% ratio per GDP), Denmark with $101,084 per capita and 180% ratio, Sweden, Norway, Portugal, UK, USA, France, Germany and so on who have debt much higher than you do on both % ratio per GDP per year or per capita.

That only means that you have been played. Someone wanted you guys to sell your infrastructure just for their reasons. Trust me, this could have been prevented a long time ago without having more austerity in your country.

This is only my opinion so feel free to not agree with it. But the bigger picture is that nobody understands how (Economically) you got into this situation. And me and my colleagues think it would have been best for you to exit the Euro zone. India and China would surely buy your debt out in exchange for the same stuff + they'd assure you guys to invest a lot into your infrastructure. On a long term sure, you'll get away from Euro zone but your country would have become a paradise.

When this will happen again in 4 years, you'll open your eyes but it will be too late.

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