Just so you're aware, not even /r/TwoXChromosomes has any love for anti-gg antics.

Disclaimer: I do not have any ownership in Ghazi. I am banned from there. It is not "my" sub. If anyone wants to respond, please bear that in mind.

How the fuck can you say women agree with you when your own polls show your sub is mostly men

1) All of reddit is mostly men. The question in that kind of environment is whether the demographic makeup of is significantly more or less diverse. As far as I can remember, Ghazi was more significantly more diverse than Reddit in general, though not overwhelmingly so.

2) Regardless, a self-selected survey isn't a very good way of proving anything about anything. If you want argument ammo then whatever, but it's not like this has the validity of a properly-conducted scientific poll or anything. We'll likely never see one of those, as there just aren't enough people who know/care about Gamergate to get good results, and the people who do professional polling have better ways to spend their time.

and the biggest female sub hates you.

2x has been considered trash in e-feminist circles since it got defaulted (at the latest). Gamergate-wise, the voting patterns are pretty clear, and there are people posting Gamergate image macros and whatnot. This is pretty obviously a Gamergate-friendly place. If that's encouraging to you that they've gotten to Gamergate-ville, cool, but it's not like it was a long trip. If you see a place like girlgamers suddenly changing, that would be notable, but a default? Ehhhh.

Anyway, just like self-selected surveys, voting patterns in a single sub a pretty bad way of measuring public opinion.

Why is it that most of the women who speak up against GG have friendships with people who or literally have something they gain from doing so?

Most of the women who oppose gamergate are anonymous and we probably don't even know they're women. This is the kind of thing that would make #NYS people flip their shit. Why is it cool for you to make these kinds of mass generalizations?

/r/KotakuInAction Thread